Thursday, February 24, 2005


For me that word have a whole new meaning...

Technically i am grounded by my parents. i am prohibited to go outside the house in the evening. . . and the sad part is i am already 22 years old. i am living with my parents so i have to abide by their rules. they think i am disrespectful and i put myself in dangerous situations.

they always decide and think for me. They never consult my opinion. i am just a piece of property for them. they dont treat as an intelectual human being instead they treat me like a child.

i live for my so called Art. They do not understand that.

they think that i am full of shitload of hallucinations with my art.

they think if they tie me down in the house i would stop dreaming

they do not know that staying at home would lead to further insanity...

they do not know that their so called love in alredy drowning me...i want to get out.


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